I’m Kylee Leavitt!

Hi there!

I want you to wake up feeling confident that you will have the patience and know-how as a parent to help your child today! No matter what sensory curveballs the day throws at you.

I’m a pediatric occupational therapist, educator, entrepreneur, wife, and mama to twin 5-year old girls living my dream life in North Carolina.

I am currently obsessed with eating glazed yeast donuts, my morning ritual of reading and journaling, dreaming of my future beach house, and watching my girls learn new things.

Today, I’m living my dream life.

But it wasn’t always this way.


2021 was one of the hardest, most stressful years for me. Which is saying a lot as a mom who survived the whirlwind of taking care of newborn twins :) . In 2021, my family made the crazy decision to move across the country to a new place where we didn’t know anyone. This meant leaving the job I loved, selling our house, and starting over.


I thought our dream life would begin the moment we reached our destiny, but little did I know we were far from it. I developed an unhealthy relationship with food, anxiety started to creep into my life, and we were going through our cash supply faster than we could keep up. All of which meant I didn’t show up for myself, husband, and kids like I needed to.

You are probably wondering what changed?

And what got me to living my dream life today?

It started out with me hiring a health coach, which kickstarted me on a journey towards bettering my mental, physical, and emotional health. I put taking care of myself as a PRIORITY!

In addition…

My mindset about parenting shifted.

Instead of wanting to change my children, I focused on changing me as the parent through integrating self-regulation techniques to help calm my nervous system and increasing my knowledge on child-behavior. I also focused on creating a home environment that fostered growth, self-control, and functional independence in my children. I started building new simple habits, which later turned into life-changing routines for me and my family.

From the challenges I faced, I learned a lot.

It made me want to reach more parents, and share my experience of motherhood, personal development,  and working with kids with sensory processing differences with you. 

Throughout the past six years, I worked as a pediatric occupational therapist in schools, the home, and an outpatient clinic. I learned that some kids experience the world differently and big gains are possible by adjusting to their learning style and focusing on their specific sensory and emotional regulation needs.

I was able to help families’ problem solve β€œthe why” behind their child’s behaviors and implement strategies to help their child best function throughout the day. This included….

Creating a bedtime routine that helped their child fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

Developing strategies to make toothbrushing fun, which increased their child’s willingness to brush teeth.

Modifying a busy schedule to include heavy work prior to the child sitting down for homework, which increased attention.

Shifting their mindset from β€œmy child is not a good listener” to β€œwhat need is my child communicating to me right now.”

Prioritizing their child’s exposure to tactile sensory input throughout the day, which increased the child’s tolerance to having messy hands. No more washing hands the moment glue, syrup, or paint get on them!

Discovering how to support their child through a tantrum or meltdown using co-regulation techniques.

Learning effective strategies to help their tactile defensive child dress, put on socks, wear shoes, and get ready for school smoothly and on time.

Collaborating with their child to identify underlying concerns and develop solutions together as a family.

Does this sound good to you?

This is where I come in as your parent educator and occupational therapist. I have a passion for educating you about sensory processing.

Small shifts can create big change. And I’m here to help you… 

Understand what your child is communicating through their behavior.

Determine the underlying sensory and emotional regulation needs of your child, and learn how to meet those needs throughout the day.

Implement ideas and strategies in a way that is not burdensome for your family.

Make adjustments as needed to your child’s day to meet their sensory needs and emotional well-being.

The meltdowns, transition battles, avoidant behavior, and the constant hyperactivity are NO JOKE!

Not to mention, the challenge of just trying to understand what sensory processing is, what your child’s specific sensory needs are, and how to address them in a way that fits your families’ lifestyle.

I’m here to help you with these things.

Want to know if we’re a good fit?

Sign up for a free 15 minute consult call!